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Visitors 2248
Modified 4-Apr-24
Created 27-Mar-09
65 photos

Macrophotos of aquatic insects and other creatures which inhabit the ponds and sloughs of the Central Coast of BC, many of whom are prey species for overwintering salmonid juveniles such as Coho, Cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden char.
Also included are some mammals associated with ponds and wetlands.
Dragonfly- adult on fireweed.jpgDragonfly- Teneral on sweet clover.jpgDSC_3287-Dragonfly nymph.jpgDSC_3464-Corduliid dragonfly nymphDamselfly- nymph- immature.jpgDamselfly- emergence on SmartweedDamselfly- emergence- 1.jpgDamselfly- emergence- 4.jpgDamselfly- mating pair.jpgDamselfly- egg laying.jpgCaddis larva - Onocoesmecus sp.jpgCaddis Larva - Limnephilid sp.jpgFreshwater shrimp- Hyalella azteca.jpgDSC_3294-Water beetle.jpgWaterBeetle- Dytiscid adult.jpgWaterBeetle- Dytiscid larva- with prey.jpgWaterBeetle- Dytiscid larva.jpgDSC_3451-Waterboatman.jpgWater boatman.jpgSnail- freshwater.jpg

Guestbook for Pond Creatures
Kristina Knudsen(non-registered)
This photo album is amazing, as are all the others. I especially love the dragonflies and damselflies. The simple, carefree nature of dragonflies is so inspiring to me. Amazing photos Mike!
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